Safety in Strata

Strata fraud and many illegal tactics are on the steep rise in NSW.
As a Strata Owner Advocate, I aim to expose and cause legislative changes to give protections to all owners from the rise of illegal tactics employed in many schemes today in NSW.

Shining a light on serious hidden safety risks in NSW strata ownership.

Safety in strata is of paramount importance to everyone, especially with the rise of apartment living in modern-day Australia. Authorities are failing to act to protect owners and residents alike. We examine why and how we as a community can change this for all to be safe.


Serious risks such as financial fraud, theft, psychological harm, privacy breaches, bullying & intimidation, and even assaults in schemes are on the rise due to the rise of people needing to live in strata complexes. These safety risks cannot be identified in a purchased Strata Report, a search of the scheme’s records, or even the Strata Hub.


This first revolutionary platform aims at solely raising all serious risks in schemes to shine a light on the hidden problems and bring them to light. Safety is paramount & all people deserve to live in schemes that promote safety as a priority in their scheme for all and not just a few. We rely on input from the public and members to keep us informed on areas in strata living which is outdated and currently looking after a few. We will highlight schemes potentially acting illegally against owners and residents alike.


We want apartment owners to regain their power and have the knowledge and support from this new platform to change schemes operating illegally and unsafely. The whole community benefits when people feel a sense of safety going to their apartment or their work location. The hidden costs and burdens on the community will be removed when safety for all is installed as a priority in schemes.


The numerous “players” and even authorities making safety in strata a critical issue is widening.

The rise in fraud against lot owners, theft, assaults, bullying, harassment, and even privacy breaches is of paramount concern to people today.


I am a fierce advocate for the safety of all people who live and buy in strata schemes. I have experienced it all. I know the serious and devastating effects of physical harm and fraud on your health, finances, and family. Make no mistake about my dedication to changing many aspects of this rotten industry trying to harm people who simply seek basic entitled rights in their scheme.


The strata industry is ripe for serious changes aimed at making apartment living safe for all residents.

Sadly, all authorities and government bodies have been shying away from ensuring safety in strata is paramount.

Legislation changes are required to make safety a priority for all owners and residents, which is overdue.


My goal is to change the skewed industry back to the focus of what strata apartment living should be, a peaceful environment for all to enjoy and work in. The current model of a few spoilt eggs in the basket making life unsafe for others in the scheme is an outdated model of operating in a modern world.


Rising these serious concerns we as a community aim to stop, reduce and shine a light on one of the biggest rising issues in strata today, the dysfunctional schemes and safety issues they pose for many.